The second season of the American dramedy-mystery television series Desperate Housewives commenced airing in the United States on September 25, 2005 and concluded on May 21, 2006. The season continues the story of the Wisteria Lane residents, while their seemingly perfect lives in the suburban neighborhood are shaken by the arrival of the mysterious Betty Applewhite. Broadcast in the Sunday night time slot at 9.00 ET, the season aired twenty-four regular episodes, including a two-part season finale. In addition, three clip shows were produced for the season, in order to put the previous events of the show in perspective. All the Juicy Details aired before the eleventh episode, detailing the most memorable events of the seasons first half, whereas The More You Know, The Juicier It Gets, which aired before the twentieth episode, prepared the viewers for the highly anticipated season finale. Time to Come Clean aired three weeks before the inception of the third season, and reviewed the previous mysteries of the series before introducing the new story lines. The second season had fourteen roles receiving star billing, out of whom eleven were part of the first seasons main cast. The main story lines of the season were Susan Mayers relationship with her former husband, Gabrielle Solis upcoming motherhood, Lynette Scavos return to work and the death of Bree Van de Kamps husband.
Teri Hatcher as Susan Mayer
Felicity Huffman as Lynette Scavo
Marcia Cross as Bree Van de Kamp
Eva Longoria as Gabrielle Solis
Nicollette Sheridan as Edie Britt
Alfre Woodard as Betty Applewhite
Ricardo Antonio Chavira as Carlos Solis
Mark Moses as Paul Young
Andrea Bowen as Julie Mayer
Doug Savant as Tom Scavo
Cody Kasch as Zach Young
Richard Burgi as Karl Mayer
Brenda Strong as Mary Alice Young
and James Denton as Mike Delfino